A meeting, with manager TM and HR
As there was no real answer to my emails on the CAP, in May 2018 I decided to invite for a meeting to have a final discussion about the CAP. What you are going to read is true, is funny, and is highly irritating.
To recap. Intel has given me a CAP (Corrective Action Plan) in October 2017, with no real base, they don’t mention my work in any way in the CAP. Nor they are able to explain and go in detail of what they wrote in the CAP, in a long series of emails we exchanged.
In the page manager OS starts the defamation I told you that I decided not to let the false allegations go so easily, therefore I asked (almost) everyday Intel manager TM to have details about the CAP.
So far manager TM only provided the deviating or inappropriate answers that you can read on the page A trip to Linz.
The questions are so easy that it is incomprehensible (laugh here) why they cannot be answered in a satisfying way. The questions are:
- mention what are all the lacking technical qualifications?
- mention all occurrences -before 27.10.2017- where you (manager TM) have seen the (alleged) lacking technical qualifications?
Simple questions, that shouldn’t be so difficult to answer. Unless there is something you cannot say or write.
At some point, I also asked the HR and the works council if they consider the answer satisfying and if they consider their task to ask manager TM to answer my questions on the CAP. The answer? The usual, none.
I also asked JL, manager of TM, to intervene to get an answer. Result? A meeting with manager JL and no further action.
Calling the bluff of Intel
In May 2018 I had enough unanswered emails, I decided to invite for a meeting, manager TM, HR’s employee MTR, works council HH. Let’s see if manager TM has some convincing explanation for the CAP, beside the not convincing (understated?) one he gave before.
The protagonists of the meeting are manager TM, HR’s employee MTR, the chairman of the works council HH, and myself.

The meeting was something grotesque. I kept asking what are the insufficient technical qualification, and this is how the discussion developed:
Me: “What are the cases where you have noticed missing technical qualifications?”
manager TM: “there is the case of temperature measurements in December 2017”,
Me: “but this is happening after you gave the CAP”,
manager TM: “then there is the delayed trip to Linz”,
Me: “but this is not a technical qualification”,
HR’s employee MTR: “this is only an example”,
Me: “make another example”,
manager TM : “there is the case of temperature measurements in December 2017 ”,
Me: “but this is happening after you gave the CAP”,
manager TM: “then there is the delayed trip to Linz”,
Me: “but this is not a technical qualification”,
HR’s employee MTR : “this is only an example”,
and everything started from the beginning in a perfectly circular discussion.
In all this discussion the works council chairman HH didn’t say a word spontaneously. Not even to dispute that a trip to Linz has nothing to do with a technical qualification. Questioned by me what he thinks about the trip to Linz, he answered with an embarrassed and embarrassing laugh that it’s clear we don’t agree with each other.
Outstanding performance of Intel’s works council chairman!
In the meeting, we have learned that Intel’s HR, as well as manager TM, consider the trip to Linz a technical qualification.
This is at least a good news for those who travel often to Linz. It is not clear if the opposite travel from Linz to Munich is also a technical qualification, ask your HR representative for more insight.
Did you send this page also to Bob? I would….
Yes, Intel’s CEO received the email like you. As you can read on my website I informed him more than once.
He is part of the bullying corporate.
BSer is no different from the Big Klown
Well done. Let them see how ridiculous they are.